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    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam.



    Photo: Shutterstock

    Nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

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    The Landmark Group’s “Shukran” Rewards Program: Everything you need to know



    The Shukran Rewards Program was developed by the Landmark Group and features several brands located in the Arabian Gulf, Jordan, and Egypt. With more than 10 million subscribers, the Shukran Program has grown to be one of the biggest loyalty programs in the Middle East thanks to brands like Max, Centrepoint, Splash, and other business partners.

    How to register for the Shukran program?

    The Shukran program offers three ways to sign up:

    1. Go to one of the Landmark Group’s stores and ask for a registration form so that the card can be issued there directly,

    2. Online enrollment through the business’ website, Here is the registration page.

    3. Download the “Shukran” application and register to get a membership number and an electronic card. Download the software here.

    Tiers of Shukran Membership:

    Silver membership: When a customer joins the program, they are automatically enrolled in this level of membership.

    The highest membership level available to customers within this program is Gold Membership. Customers in this tier receive exclusive invitations to events hosted by the Landmark Group and others, as well as 1.5 times the points earned by Silver Membership customers.

    How to earn Shukrans?

    Customers who shop at one of the brands owned by the Landmark Group earn “Shukrans,” which are points or money. Earnings are based on the brand itself, the time of year when sales occur, and the price after deducting taxes. Here is a calculator for shukrans.

    Notably, Shukran is one of the few programs that enable users to accrue points throughout the sales period.

    Earnings from Landmark Group brands in Shukrans points:

    BrandPoints earned from every 5 SAR spentPoints earned for every 5 SAR spent during sales
    Iconic2 Shukrans1 Shukrans
    Splash2 Shukrans1 Shukrans
    Shoexpress1 Shukrans1 Shukrans
    centrepoint2 Shukrans1 Shukrans
    Zafran1 Shukrans1 Shukrans
    Carpisa2 Shukrans1 Shukrans
    Koton2 Shukrans1 Shukrans
    Max1 Shukrans1 Shukrans
    Homecentre2 Shukrans1 Shukrans
    Homebox1 Shukrans1 Shukrans
    Le Confort2 Shukrans1 Shukrans
    Nandos1 Shukrans1 Shukrans
    Babyshop2 Shukrans1 Shukrans
    Lifestyle2 Shukrans1 Shukrans
    Funky Fish2 Shukrans1 Shukrans
    Bossini2 Shukrans1 Shukrans

    Earn Shukrans from collaborators

    Customers can also accrue shukrans by making purchases from program partners, as shown in the following table:

    PartnerAmount SpentShukrans earned 
    Careem5 SAR2 Shukrans
    Clear Trip2 USD1 Shukrans
    AnghamiAnnual Subscription5 % of subscription fees
    StarzplayOne-time upon Subscription1000 Shukrans
    JoyalukkasDiamond PurchaseGold Purchase2% of the total transaction0.5% of the total transaction

    Transfer points to your Shukran account from another rewards program

    Customers can add points from various reward programs that partner with Shukran to their accounts, including

    Banque Saudi Fransi’s Jana Rewards Program – Find out more specifics about the program.

    Every five membership rewards in the American Express Membership Rewards Program equals two shukrans.

    Neqati Rewards Program from Mobily as long as there are at least 4000 points in the account. read about the Mobily “Neqaty” rewards program.

    Every 6000 points equal 1000 Shukrans in the Lak program from the National Commercial Bank of Saudi Arabia. Find more information about the program here.

    The program also gives Shukran members the following advantages:

    Shukran program participants receive regular offers from participating brands, which may include:

    Exclusive reductions.

    When converting other loyalty program points to Shukrans, bonus points

    Gift cards with the points’ value.

    Get exclusive deals and rewards online.

    Redeem your Shukran points

    Before redeeming their points, program participants must have a minimum of 200 Shukrans, with the understanding that 200 points equal 10 Saudi riyals.

    Shukrans can be used at any of the participating businesses, and points expire 24 months after being earned. It’s important to note, though, that if a member does not use their card for a 12-month period, their membership and any existing points will be canceled.


    What are the benefits of Shukran card?

    • Get exclusive offers and coupons. Get special, personalized deals from your favorite brands.
    • Enjoy points on every purchase.
    • Instant refund with shukran pay.
    • Claim Shukrans during or after purchase.
    • Earn Shukrans when you shop with partners.

    How do I check my balance on my Shukran card?

    Visit or download the Shukran app for iOS and Android. Use your virtual card to keep track of your transactions, check your Shukran balance, get the latest offers and locate nearby stores.

    How do I claim Shukran points after purchase?

    How can I claim Shukran points for a purchase where I did not present my Shukran Card/App? Go to the Shukran App, click on “My Account”, select “Claim your Shukrans” and click on “Submit Claim”. The purchase should be within the last 30 days.

    What is the value of Shukran points?

    Members of the program must have a minimum of 200 Shukrans before they can redeem these points, knowing that the 200 points = 10 Saudi riyals.

    Do Shukran points expire?

    Shukran Points that are not redeemed by the member will remain in his account for a period of 24 months from the time they were earned. Post this time period the points will expire and cannot be re-credited to the member’s account.

    How do I redeem my Shukran voucher?

    Shukran eGift Cards are redeemable across Online/Offline “Participating Brands” of Landmark, visit to check the updated list of participating brands and store locations. Shukran eGift Card cannot be exchanged for cash either in full or in part.

    Where can I find my Shukran card number?

    Yes. If you have joined Shukran from, we’ll display your card number on the confirmation page and in an email.

    What is Shukran gift card?

    Presenting the Shukran Gift Card, a single gifting solution across GCC’s most loved retail and hospitality brands. Never wish to go wrong with your gift again. Here’s a great way to say, “Happy Birthday”, “Thank You”, “Congratulations” or “Well Done” and give your loved ones the wonderful gift of choice.

    How do I convert smile points to Shukran?

    Members can convert their Smiles Points into Shukran Points in multiples of Six Thousand Two Hundred (6200) Smiles Points which is equal to One Thousand (1000) Shukran Points. Members may redeem their earned points when shopping at Centrepoint, Max, Splash, Shoemart, Home Box, Lifestyle, Home Centre, and many more.

    Can I use Shukran card online?

    Just present your digital card and photo ID at the cash counter to spend Shukrans at select Landmark Group brands. While shopping online, use the ‘Pay with Shukrans’ slider at checkout, after linking your account.

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    How much gold is permitted from Dubai to India?



    Dubai is well-known for its iconic structures, thrilling events, and its well-deserved reputation as one of the best shopping cities in the world. Given these facts and India’s extraordinary popularity of gold jewelry, it should come as no surprise that expatriates adore purchasing gold there and are curious about the gold limit from Dubai to India.

    In order to protect themselves against inflation, ex-pats frequently convert their savings to gold. In light of this, the Indian Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs imposed a limit on the amount of gold that could be imported into India from Dubai a few years ago.

    Let’s move on to our tips and information on how much gold you can transport from Dubai to India without delay.

    The gold limit from Dubai to India

    The main factors encouraging foreigners to purchase gold in Dubai are the lower costs and high quality. One of the busiest markets for purchasing gold in Dubai is the Deira Gold Souk, where buyers from all walks of life prefer to shop.

    However, over the past few years, the Indian government’s restrictive customs duties have had an impact on the import of gold into India from Dubai and other emirates.

    Duty Free Allowance

    Any Indian passenger with a valid Indian passport issued under the Passport Act of 1967, who has resided abroad for more than one year, is eligible to bring gold jewelry into India in their baggage, according to the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) website:

    For male passengers, gold jewelry with a combined weight of 20 grams and a maximum retail price of INR 50,000 is exempt from customs duty.
    Customs duty is waived on gold jewelry up to a combined weight of 40 grams and a maximum purchase price of INR 100,000 for female passengers.

    Children are included in the duty-free allowance for gold jewelry traveling from Dubai to India. Providing they have lived in Dubai or the other country other than India for a year or more.

    Keep in mind that the duty-free allowance only applies to gold jewelry if you’re an Indian traveling from Dubai to India with gold. Customs duties must be paid on gold in the form of bars or coins.

    Limits on carrying Gold

    Passengers are required to pay customs duty if they bring more than the permitted amount of gold into India from Dubai.

    Passengers with valid Indian passports who have spent more than six months in Dubai or another foreign country are permitted to check one kilogram of gold in the form of bars or coins from Dubai to India.

    If they bring more gold than is allowed from Dubai to India, they must pay custom duty fees.

    From Dubai to India, the customs duty on gold increased in 2019 from 10% to 12.5%.

    Exceeding the maximum gold limit

    The maximum amount of gold per passenger that can be brought from Dubai to India is 10kg, according to the website of the UAE Embassy. It includes the total weight of the gold that a traveler is hauling, including any jewelry.

    For coins and bars weighing more than 1 kg, the customs duty is 36.05%. Therefore, even though this higher limit may be permitted, it’s not all that common to see people taking more gold than 1kg at a time.

    Requirements for importing more than the limit

    • The customs duty on all excess gold shall be paid in convertible foreign currency.
    • Passengers must provide all necessary proof of purchase and other documentation to avoid the seizure of goods at the airport. 
    • Failing to meet the strict requirements and declaration may lead to detention, prosecution or confiscation until all paperwork and documentation are complete. 
    • The gold bars must have all the necessary inscriptions. The information has to include the total weight, manufacturer, serial number. 
    • A major condition for importing gold above 1 KG is that the passenger should not have brought any gold or other precious metals and gemstones to India in the last six months, exceeding the maximum gold limit from Dubai to India. 
    • During the short visits to the country, the passenger has not availed any form of exemption from paying customs duty on gold in India. 
    • Gold jewellery studded with expensive gemstones and pearls is not allowed to be imported to India.
    • A passenger has to bring the gold as a piece of checked baggage, or the other option is to import the gold within fifteen days of their arrival in India as unaccompanied baggage.
    • The passenger can obtain the permitted quantity of gold from the Customs bonded warehouse of the State Bank of India and Metals and Minerals Trading Corporation.
    • The passenger must file a detailed declaration in a prescribed form before the Customs officer upon their arrival in India.
    • The passenger must state their intention to obtain gold from the customs bonded warehouse and pay the customs duty before the clearance.

    It’s always important to be aware of the most recent customs regulations when it comes to the gold limit from Dubai to India. Before returning home or arriving in Dubai from your home country, make sure to review the Dubai Airport Banned Items List. The limitations are set up to nullify gold smuggling into the nation and reduce the economic deficit.

    To improve passenger convenience, the Indian Central Board of Excise and Customs plans to create a new set of customs gold limits for India. When finalized, the new regulations will make it simpler for visitors to India who are bringing gold from Dubai and other countries to clear customs.


    How much gold can you legally carry to India?

    How much gold can you carry out of UAE?

    Can I wear gold from Dubai to India?

    How can I carry gold from Dubai to India?

    Can I take gold jewellery in hand luggage?

    How do you declare gold at the airport?

    Can I take gold biscuit to India?

    What is custom duty on gold in India?

    Which country has cheapest gold?

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    The Perfect Time to Travel to Dubai and Go Shopping



    Are you wondering when the best time of year is to travel to Dubai and go shopping? The tourist will receive the best deal when they receive the cheapest ticket, hotel, and significant discounts. Therefore, traveling from November to January is the ideal time to go. For a large majority of people, shopping is a truly fascinating activity. And as a result, when they decide to go shopping, they tend to look for every conceivable comfort and convenience. Dubai is one such location that is extremely popular for shopping. However, there is a specific time of day when this activity is best done. Additionally, a pleasant climate and fewer tourists are ideal.

    The Best Time to Visit Dubai for Shopping Well, to be completely honest, the best time to visit Dubai is during the winter. The winter season runs from November through April. So, these months are thought to be the best ones to fit the purpose. So, in this article, we’ll talk about the best times to visit Dubai and the factors that make them so.

    The Benefits of Shopping in Dubai During the Winter

    The presence of a happy mood in a person is the key to a successful and hassle-free shopping experience. And the weather undoubtedly plays a significant role in making this happen. The climatic conditions in Dubai are thought to be the best and ideal for any purpose from November to April, especially when it comes to shopping. Dubai is the ideal location you could ever want because of the peace during the day and the cool temperatures at night. Dubai provides you with the best shopping experience you will ever have when these two factors are combined.

    Thus, on the off chance that you at any point are arranging a shopping binge in this very place, simply make your arrangements in these months to make it exceptionally the greater part. Genuinely, charming weather conditions generally figure out how to make a climate of positivism and fervor. Also, shopping is such an action that relies straightforwardly upon these variables. Your shopping experience is taken on to an unheard-of level and you truly appreciate it.

    Shopping in Winter Months Offers You Extremely Huge Discounts also!

    Aside from the ideal weather patterns, one of the key factors that demonstrate that the best time for shopping in Dubai is for sure the cold weather months is the association of the Dubai Shopping Celebration, famously alluded to as DSF. Politeness of the association of this celebration, every one individual who goes out shopping are given enormous limits and considerably more thrilling proposals too.

    The Dubai Shopping Celebration normally is led in the long periods of December and January. guests can look at DSF 2022-23 dates here. All through these several months, you will see this spot show some signs of life. With a colossal group, the shopping experience simply gets much more seriously interesting. With an assortment of all your ideal items from everywhere, this bubbly period is to be sure the best chance to go out to shop. Every one of the purchasers is given limits at such rates that they can barely at any point envision! The evaluation and limits of the items draw in every individual more than ever and you can’t prevent yourself from shopping.

    FAQS about travel and time to shop

    When is the right time to visit Dubai?

    Which month can I travel to Dubai or visit Dubai?

    When is the best time to travel to Dubai to shop?

    In summary, we can say that the months of November through April (primarily January and February) appear to be ideal for serving the purpose of shopping due to factors such as pleasant weather, ideal climatic conditions, and most importantly the DSF or the Dubai Shopping Festival. Therefore, if you ever want to go shopping in Dubai, these months should be on your calendar, and you should think of this as your best option!

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