PTO Calculator Excel Template

PTO Calculator Excel Template



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If you are a small business owner looking to track Paid-Time-Off (PTO) for your employee, or you are an employee who wants to know your PTO balance at any time, or a HR professional looking for a simple software to track vacation balances for an employee, this video will be useful to you.

In this video, I will demonstrate a PTO Calculator Excel template which you can use to track vacation dates and calculate PTO balances.

This template is currently designed to track one employee’s PTO balance in one workbook. If you would like to see a template that can handle multiple employees, please leave a comment with how many employees you have in your business to track.

Employee PTO sheet is where we will spend almost all the time.
The section on the left is the INPUTS. The inputs needed are shown in light gray color. We will enter the Employee name and Hire Date. PTO unit can be Hours or days. If we enter Hours, then when we enter vacation, we have to enter hours. If we enter PTO unit of days, we can ignore that column.

Then, we enter annual accrual rate. This is how many hours of PTO the employee will receive in one year. Then, we choose how this annual rate is distributed. We have 6 options here. Weekly, Every 2 Weeks, Twice a Month, Monthly, Quarterly and Annual. To explain this, let me use Monthly option now.

I have chosen 1 so employee accrues PTO balance on 1st of every month. Employee gets 120 by December 2016. It is done by 12 accruals, one each month. Great. Now, there are 12 accrual periods or windows here. Some companies give PTO accrual at the beginning of the window and some do at the end of the window. You can choose that setting here. If we choose End, that means the employee will receive December 2016’s accrual on Jan 1st of 2017.

When we choose Weekly, we can see that accrual happens every week. We can enter the first accrual period’s begin date so that we can customize according to our business practice.

The PTO accrual periods are Weekly, Every 2 weeks, Twice a Month, Monthly, Quarterly and Annual.

We can also set Annual PTO rollover policy. The Rollover is the act of carrying over your PTO balance from one year to the next. We have 3 options here. Zero or no rollover, Rollover Limit, Unlimited Rollover. This rollover can happen in a company either on calendar year, that is when new year begins or on work anniversaries of each employee. You can control that too.

Some companies in some roles may not award PTO to employees for the first 30 or 90 days, for example. We can enter that in the Probationary period. If we enter a number here, we can see that the employee’s first eligible date will update and he or she will not earn PTO until then.

Some companies set maximum PTO Balance limits. This is due to encourage employees taking regular vacations and also to keep the PTO balance for the entire company from reaching very extreme numbers. Some companies offer the remaining PTO balances as cash to employees if they leave the company. Just enter the max allowed balance and template will not let the balance go beyond that number.

Finally, companies reward loyal employees – those who stay a long time with the company. So, they award increase in accrual rate as the tenure increases. We can set that to YES and then enter data in this table on what the accrual rates and max PTO balances are. Please make sure that 0 completed years is the first row. You can modify the next set of rows and can also add rows if your company has a tiered plan with many tiers.

This is the initial setting up of PTO policy for the employee. Now, when employee plans to take vacation, just enter the vacation dates here. You can enter multi-day vacation by entering a range of dates. For single day vacation, enter the same date in both columns. You can see the current balance at the top and the trend in the chart.

Current balance is because we have formula there to set to TODAY. You can enter another date there if you would like to know the balance as of a specific date.
You can control the chart by entering a number of days and the start date of the trend. By default I have set to HIRE Date to see the entire trend.

We have one more option to apply any adjustments. If we need to add or subtract PTO balance for any reason, we can just enter date and the amount. To add to balance, enter positive and to reduce, enter negative amounts.

To recap, this is a simple PTO calculator and vacation tracker template for an employee.

If you find the template useful, please share with your friends and subscribe to this YouTube channel.

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#PTO #Calculator #Excel #Template