
PSYCHOMETRIC SETS Instructors/ Trainers (VESC)

1. Visual Attention – This Visual Attention Testing assesses the examinees ability to concentrate continuously on a given task. You are given 20 minutes to complete the test. Start by clicking the number on the left side of the page where the line starts, then trace it correctly and select where you believe the line ends.

2. Eye & Hand Co-ordination – Hand-eye Coordination Testing assesses the examinees ability to coordinate their eye movement and Hand movement in a continuing task, Examinees that show an average or above ability levels of this skill are mostly confident and are good decision makers.

3. Steadiness – Steadiness Testing assesses the ability of the examinee to make precise movements for extended periods of time. You are given 10 minutes to complete the test. 

4. Character Test (1. Mental Stability, 2. Sense of Responsibility, 3. Self-Control, 4. Non-Aggressive Behavior, 5. Tranquil Behavior) – Roadslink Character test is a simple self-assessment that takes less than 30 minutes and provides a wealth of information to help you understand your core characteristics as a driver.


 Eye-Hand Coordination Testing

 Steadiness Testing

 Visual Attention Testing

 Character Testing